Simplify and optimize your legal procurement process effortlessly with LawyerlinQ's independent sourcing platform. Say goodbye to the time-consuming task of haggling over fees and maintain good working relationships with firms and lawyers you know and trust. Our transparent and user-friendly process empowers you to select the right lawyer at the right price for each matter, streamlining decision-making, and making it easy to report on every engagement choice.
to get started
Get your legal marketplace up and running in no time!
up to
Reduce your spend on legal fees by having reversed auctions.
actual market rates
Use technology to get actual market rates for each matter
Better choices
Benchmark fees and strategies on a matter-by-matter basis
Gain insight into which firms excel at using technology to your advantage
Work with any lawyer/firm you like
Compare 'apples to apples’
Make gathering data on law firm selection and legal spending easy.
Centralise your legal supplier panel and rules of engagement
Easy to use and up and running in a week
Save time with an centralized communication and simple RFP processes
Get professional advice from independent sourcing experts whenever you like
cost certainty
Promote the adoption of fixed-fee arrangements
Have firms bid in reverse auctions
Have a centralized log of (fixed) fee arrangements for each matter